A pacifister is fake pacifist how is fisting people and saying he is a pacifist. These people are most likely some dudes with a god complex.
Gottfried claims he is an pacifist but he fists other people so he is an pacifister.
by Social Anxiety May 6, 2022
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Someone who refuses to resort to violence in order to solve a problem.
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" -pacifist
by DustinS November 20, 2005
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a person with the right idea
don't hurt other people
don't kill other people
just go through life with smiles and laughs and never hit someone else
we all learned that in kindergarden
pacifists are the only ones who remember
violence just leads to death and jail
man: go kill that man
pacifist: are you fucking retarded why would you go kill someone?
by socalginger April 13, 2009
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Someone who, for religious, ethical, practical, or other reasons, believes that violence and/or war are not acceptable solutions to problems.
Jill asked her church to keep on file her statement of Conscientous Objection. She didn't want there to be any question of her pacifist beliefs in case of a draft.
by Skylark January 26, 2004
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The Pacifist is the most amazing pacifist, the one everyone looks up to and admires. Our role model, and icon no matter what.
Oh my god is that THE Pacifist?? I'm quaking in my shoes right now.. SHOOK! I need her autograph ASAP!
by dailytripss April 5, 2021
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Common English definition: someone who believes in non-violent solutions to the world's problems and that war is a crime against humanity

American definition: terrorist
Did you hear that Food Not Bombs got put on the Central Texas Terrorist Group Watch List?
Well, duh, they are a bunch of pacifists after all. You know, feeding the homeless--that's providing material support...
by whydoyouneedmyname0 October 4, 2010
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When take the shy demur little office girl that wouldn't hurt a fly out for dinner and she ends up getting drunk and violently fist fucking you for the duration of the night.
Don't tell me she's into Pacifisting?!
by The Mailroom Mafia November 1, 2010
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