ocycotin is a highly addictive synthetic opiate. Its chemical make up is side by side to heroin. But unlike the raw street drug heroin, in with you never no its exact content, oxycontin is pure and clean. i like to think of scientist with gowns and hairnets mixing my shit then some street scum mixing in watever concoction will make 4 a better profit, ive nown 2many overdosers dyin from streetnigger shit. not prejudose just miss the dead!!
oxycontin, as great a high as any other maybe just a little better, but as anyone who can explain thats been in the shoes of an o head what goes up must come down, and belive me you uasally come crashing down, like most of us we cant afford rehab so my best advice for kicking is either take just enough each day not to be as sick as a cold turkey and wean off or switch over to perc 10-325 until the oc is out of the system then try and score some suboxin, finaly, get yourself some nyquil cause its probly the only way youll get any rest for at least a clean week
by R.I.P. cousin Chris December 19, 2006
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A prescription pill that contains a semi-synthetic opioid known as oxycodone. It has (very, very roughly) the same potency as morphine, a more well-known opioid, and is used for the same purpose (relief of moderate to severe pain). Oxycontin in particular is notable for containing no other active drugs besides oxycodone, which makes it very popular with the illegal drug use community. Because oxycontin is a time-release medication, it typically contains more oxycodone than instant release cousins such as Percocet and Percodan. Recreational users are more likely to crush up and parachute, snort or smoke the pill in order to bypass the time-release mechanism. Injecting it is also a known method of administration. Like most opioid-containing preparations, oxycontin is potentially very physically addictive, and that combined with its reportedly euphoric effects have kept demand for it very high since its introduction in the mid 1990's. This in turn has made it one of the most expensive recreational drugs, by weight, with 80 mg pills sometimes costing as much as $100.
Oxycontin is pretty damn awesome, but I'm not an idiot so I'm not gonna do it again for a long, long time. It's also nice, medically speaking, because it alleviates many people's suffering.
by fund November 19, 2007
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The medicinal name for what we know on the street as Hillbilly Heroin. The new "In" drug.
Be like that ugly-beyond-belief, walking pile of dog crap, Jack Osbourne. Take a bottle's worth of Oxycontin a day for two years straight, overdose daily, sob and cry and get all emotional, check into a drug clinic, and become recognized as a national hero and role model to all for not poppin' pills anymore, something that you shouldn't have been doing anyway. This is how we teach the soon-to-be f**ked up youth of the planet nowadays.
by G-Union October 29, 2003
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A big green pill, and when snorted, makes you very, very happy.
"oh! yes, id love to snort that oxycontin!"
by Janet Presely July 16, 2006
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Oxycontin is the time-release form of oxycodone, usually prescribed for chronic and severe pain. Because it contains a larger amount of oxycodone, it has become one of the most abused prescription drugs in the United States.
known as oxy, oc, alot of other nicknames. comes in green 80mgs which are the best, then orange 40s, yellow 20s and got 10s and shit but its all about 80s. so their broke down into powder with a grader to snort or slap it on some foil and smoke it it can be melted and slammed to. they all got a time released coating over the pill that is rubbed off first. its a great high but very addicting and it will eventually especially after years of daily use take all your money give u withdraws and start alot of stuff like arguments fights stealing lying. 80s go for 45, 40s for 25 at the most in the 916 SIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
you can hit those trailz -oxycontin
by The West Coast Don August 20, 2009
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perscription narcotic pain pill with a chemical composition almost identical to heroin.

Bobby was taking Oxycontins till he couldn't afford them anymore. So he switched to heroin because it was sooo much cheaper and the high was the same.
by jkasjfsjf;laflsajf March 27, 2008
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The brand name for a synthezised form of heroin. Active ingredient is oxycodone. Used to treat severe pain. Original manufacturing company currently under review by the government. Multiple companies currently manufacture oxycontin. Extremely addictive drug to anyone who uses it. Withdrawls similar to standard opiate withdrawl but mangified. Possibility of death if the drug is removed after several years of use. Common nicknames include wills, sizzle, ocizzle, OC.
Thank god the doctor gave me the privelage to float around on oxycontin all day.
by drwacked November 4, 2004
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