210 definitions by G-Union

(N.)1. an adult Anime from 1998, that can presently be seen on either DVD or Cartoon Network's "Adult Swim" if you get really high one night and stay up long enough to catch it.
2. see "Master Shake's" definition.
3. Country Music
Cowboy, Cowboy Bebop. I heard it really rocks. There's Spike, and Jet, and Faye, and Ed, and Ein, who licks his crotch. The End.
by G-Union May 16, 2003
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(N.) The old South Park catch phrase up until 2002, when they stopped killing Kenny and he came back from the dead through the help of Chef's parents and yet another lame Rob Schnieder movie. ("Rob Schnieder is Kenny")
Oh My God! They Didn't Killed Kenny!
You........, Non-Bastards!
by G-Union October 28, 2003
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See Psycho Bitch. A dyke who's part British Skank, part Southern US Hillbilly who likes to suck her cuzzin's dick for Manchester Squirrel Meat, despite being an Overweight, Acne-faced, Teenage Lesbian.
"Spot o' Tea gov'na? I wanna suck you're dick after I finish humpin me cuzzin', Lord Autobottom the Third. Charmin' I do say so meself. Right Pa and Mum? Liverpool Rules!"

(Editor's Note: Liverpool. Uh, I think that's some town/team for Soccer, or 'European Football.' Anyway, Psycho Dyke sucks ass.)
by G-Union March 24, 2004
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(adv.) A noise made by people who drink too much milk, and laugh.
Yo, so I heard today that Ja Rule quit show buisness and rejoined back up with the Lollipop Guild. Ne-Ha!
by G-Union May 16, 2003
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(Adj.) To act Overly Happy or Perky. Usually in those who have Care Bear Blood. Also, the type of people who like to sing Showtunes who end up in Disney Movies.
Also, means Champagne.
My Girlfriend Melissa is too Bubbly today. This isn't friggin' Freaky Friday, Melissa! Snap back to Harsh, Cold Reality, dammit!
by G-Union August 14, 2003
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(N.) Another car chase/explosion movie about a gang of thieves who plan revenge on a former partner who stole their other stolen stuff before killing their boss.
The Italian Job would have done better if it didn't compete with Pixar's 4th Computer movie, Finding Nemo.
by G-Union July 30, 2003
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