1 definition by R.I.P. cousin Chris

ocycotin is a highly addictive synthetic opiate. Its chemical make up is side by side to heroin. But unlike the raw street drug heroin, in with you never no its exact content, oxycontin is pure and clean. i like to think of scientist with gowns and hairnets mixing my shit then some street scum mixing in watever concoction will make 4 a better profit, ive nown 2many overdosers dyin from streetnigger shit. not prejudose just miss the dead!!
oxycontin, as great a high as any other maybe just a little better, but as anyone who can explain thats been in the shoes of an o head what goes up must come down, and belive me you uasally come crashing down, like most of us we cant afford rehab so my best advice for kicking is either take just enough each day not to be as sick as a cold turkey and wean off or switch over to perc 10-325 until the oc is out of the system then try and score some suboxin, finaly, get yourself some nyquil cause its probly the only way youll get any rest for at least a clean week
by R.I.P. cousin Chris December 19, 2006
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