
A common misspelling of the word prescription, that only stupid idiots use.
"Hello, Sir!

I need to refill my perscription medicine for erectile dysfunction."
by CLAMSPIANOS July 31, 2011
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Person: Do you have a perscription for that medicine?
Person: Do you mean prescription?
by TheTinyTheorist December 30, 2022
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The Act of Sexually moving you're chin up and down, in a caressing motion, on the Clitoris, while she is on the Red Streak
Janet and I are going to leave soon, i am going to give her The Perscription Crimson Chin.
by DADDYDR.NARDS July 22, 2017
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you probably pronounce prescription like this too you dumb motherfucker
Jim: I need a perscription

Bob: You mean prescription?

Jim: No I need to figure out how many scripts I have so I need a perscription
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