Implying that you do not care, and that the person telling you it should shut up and go away.
Little brother: "I need some milk."
Brother: "Pants, man, pants."
by pantsville June 1, 2018
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That strange man that you find smelling your pants when you come home from work. Is often greek.
As I stepped through the dark portal into my room, I found a pants man sitting there, just sniffing and smelling my pants. He was greek.
by Stinkily malicious September 7, 2004
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an arrogant prick who wears short shorts up to his nipples, sweat pants tucked into socks, rubbs his crusty toes together, and dates nasty white trash broads. listens to soft rock in his PT Loser and scopes out the sexies downtown.
Synonyms: Creep, Asshole

Antonyms: Dad
Me: "Guess who still has the creepy profile"

You: "Nipple Pants Man !!!!!!!!!!!"
by JacquelineVanessa October 18, 2008
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The hair that goes from a man’s ankles to his waist, thus creating pants made out of hair. Only the men with big schlong’s have the best man pants. Not to be confused with a Man Onesie; which is hair that goes from a man’s ankles to his shoulders aka Chewbacca.

Girl 1: My boyfriend has the best pants!
Girl 2: OMG i know look at those Man Pants

Boy 1: Marc has the best Man Pants
Girl 1: I know, I'm gonna root him tonight!
by MROS May 30, 2013
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1. A pair of pants that are exceptionally manly. Usually made of good firm material that is as rugged and tough as the man who wears them.
Matt is wearing those man pants again, how dreamy.
by Napalm December 11, 2003
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A man with a bulge in all the right places.
For instance, when a man wears good quality pants that fit snug in his butt, as well as frontal area, making every girl wonder what's under those man pants.
by Fizabeth February 13, 2011
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