The lowest form of life on earth. These worthless moonfaced bitches cruise around issuing parking citations. They select this career as a means of getting back at a world of people with whom they could never have sex. They somehow manage to put even speed trap pigs to shame.
That dumpy meter maid sat in the parking lot all day-- like the waste of food she is-- issuing forty dollar citations for dumb bullshit. What a bitch!
by The Spartender March 17, 2008
A municipal employee who drives around metropolitan areas stalking and issuing innocent bystanders with parking tickets.
See also revenue police.
See also revenue police.
Dude, I had to bribe the meter maid with a five dollar bill so he wouldn't issue me a $25 parking ticket!
by dookeyboy November 22, 2010
Person who is permanently mentally under-qualified to get a real police job. Prefer to strike from afar, and tend to stalk their prey.
"How the h3ll did he get me again...the next day.
Whoa, did you see that? That bush just moved. Holy Shtt, That meter maid low-life good-for-nothing is watching me!!!"
Whoa, did you see that? That bush just moved. Holy Shtt, That meter maid low-life good-for-nothing is watching me!!!"
by Astr01 March 12, 2010
by uyums August 13, 2007
A public servant whom daily, possibly hourly, serves the public with ridiculous citations for parking violations. meter-maids are most often seen traveling in small motor vehicles, committing numerous traffic violations themselves in the process of citing you for every dollar you don’t have.
"That bitch wrote me a ticket for $40!!!? Too close to the crosswalk!!!? WTF!!! I hate meter-maids!!!"
by K Jacobs May 2, 2007
When you take it upon yourself to tell people how to park or shun someone’s parking or take it upon yourself to call out someone parking in a handicapped spot not knowing their condition
Dan used his wife’s handicap placard to go into the store. an armchair meter maid cussed him out for parking there.
by Dnurse15 April 20, 2023
A fucking cunt who thinks they are doing their city a service, when really they are a bunch of cunty little faggots (in Spirit of Louis Ck) who do nothing but hurt the pockets of tax payers for no reason.... predatory policing
by fghdfgfgfgfgfg April 18, 2023