by grebmachine August 27, 2021
by hairy trodder August 29, 2006
(adj.) Pertaining to an object, person or other creature whose appearance suggests that he/she/it was obtained from, or dwells in, a dump.
Your mom is dumpy.
by Dr Fruitcake June 3, 2005
My girlfriend doesn't like the word blumpkin because her parents over hear us talking so we say dumpy. Once I said to her "Hey let's go to the men's room for some dumpies"
by Joel B. Meyer October 19, 2012
adj. One who is sloppy, unusual amounts of body hair, particularly in eyebrow area. See Brad or chunky. May be associated with foul odors of beef jerky and/or dumpster. Usually untidy in appearance and lifestyle, overall revolting to general public.
by John Hugoniot December 17, 2005