A group of college students who are studying the subjects needed to apply to medical school. Like all groups, they include people who are nice and people who are not, as well as people who are smart and people who are not, among other categories. The not-so-nice and the not-so-smart however is what some think of when they think of the word "pre-med". These are usually the sly people who try to get by and make up for their not-so-smart-ness by being backstabbing users. But people forget such people exist in other groups as well as they are all around us and arguably needed for society to accurate understand what makes humans human.

People who are pre-meds want to be doctors for many reasons, including the good reasons (which does not mean they have to join the army to save people because it will mean other sacrifices such as sacrificing being with their family) and not so good reasons. These not so good reasons include the misguided idea that they can make a lot of money, which is actually not true if they look at the amount of, for example, insurance they have to pay.
Premed 1: I think I'll drop premed after this test.
Premed 2: What, why? How?
Premed 1: I'm trying to score a C so I can show my parents and maybe they'll finally let me be a math major.

Premed 1: I now understand why doctors are so douche.
Premed 2: You mean "douche" like someone walking around with a "number 1 premed" shirt?
Premed 1: -Looks down at shirt- Oh yeah...

Person: I hate pre-meds; they're such asses. Look at that one walking around with a "number 1 premed" shirt?
Premed: You mean like the guy walking around with a "biology major and proud" shirt?
Person: -Looks down at shirt- Oh yeah...

Person1: I hate people who use words like douche and tool. It's just so...
Person2: Douchey?
Person1: Yeah, seriously. Why can't they just talk regular words? It's not like we don't already have words that mean the same thing.
by CEnn March 4, 2012
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Medical students being absolute whores during what little time they have to engage in social activities and sleeping with anything that has a pulse and is bipedal.

As medical students will only socialize with one another and invariably only talk about medicine/ people they have slept with in medicine when they do; invariably they end up only sleeping with one another/interns/residents/NCHDs.

The latter can be quiet dangerous as sleeping with someone who is in a position of authority in your medical school is a "breach of ethics", alas this is seldom recognized when blood alcohol levels are elevated.

Types of medical students who do not partake: null set

The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland recently published a paper on lighting levels and observer perceived levels of overtly sexual behavior at a city centre nightclub in Dublin. It found that increased lighting levels decreased sexual behaviors. Should they hope to implement these findings at future events; the student body will be displeased and will launch complaints.

Really medical students engage in promiscuity to make their lives a little brighter. I mean who wants to study 60 hours a week for 4/5 years and end up in a shit pile of debt at the end of it?
OMFG - I think I've slept with five people in school with us this semester. I'm such a whore.

Na! You're actually grand. The five people aren't in the same social circles, everyone will still think you are a gay virgin, don't worry!
Aren't you gay?

Yes, why is that an issue?

That's a girl you've just slept with.

Really? Hopefully I'll do better next time.
What does it take to be the class slut this year?#

Sleep with 45/60 people in the class. Sorry babes I'm already there. I love med-cest
by thehornymedstudent January 7, 2012
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A choice that people should avoid unless they could easily balance the number of hours studying, as well as the hours volunteering at a hospital, being involved in school clubs, etc. If you get easily overwhelmed, this shouldn't be a career choice for you.
Person 1: How bad is Pre-Med?

Person 2: Enough that poor students get hammered by organic chemistry, physics, and other hardcore classes. If they fail to get into med school, they're fucked.
by senthurmanz October 15, 2017
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Used in white nationalist circles, it describes a blonde, Nordic-type woman who dates darker toned men from the Mediterranean countries. It is a play on the term “mud shark” and can be either used affectionately or disparagingly depending on the speaker’s views on inter-ethnic relationships.
Henrik: Did you hear Ebba is dating an Italian?

Magnus: Gross! What a Med Shark!
by yesterday1488 March 24, 2021
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Greatness...Simply AMAZING, the one, true Dynasty of D-Wade, a TRUE champion... J-Med is the epitome of the term "God-like".
WOW look at J-Med, he is so God-like!
by J-Med June 16, 2009
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long years of hardship that will lead you to one of the most amazing timeless and well-respected professions of our planet - rather than a job..being a doctor is a vocation. its extremely hard work and may bitchslap students in a pretty bad way (apart from driving dem to the very edge of reasing testing their human limits), but its a journey from which one can only learn...both knowledge-wise and life-wise. life is what you make i, actually med school can be quite fun :)
hey dude...coming for that med school student committee boat party after we finish renal?
yes sure...you getting the booze? ill get some saline who whoever gets shit and vomits his life out xD and stop hitting on the freshmen..deyre mine!
by dooooooooooooodie May 12, 2011
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A very racist comment used to refer to middle eastern people
man1: fuck you ak-med


by keari April 24, 2007
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