Anxiously awaiting a swift kick to the groin. The receiver may or may not know the specific moment to expect delivery.
by Reasemaster June 1, 2014
Rease is one of the most drop dead gorgeous girls you will ever meet and she will never know. Rease doesn’t have much confidence and is a little clumsy but she is caring and listens to you really well. She also has the prettiest eyes in the world and you should never let her go.
Rease is such a Rease
by Rease November 13, 2021
A dumb ass bitch who hates everything and everyone, she a thottie and she mega depressionism she makes fun of furries even tho she is one, but u gotta lover her (or she'll shove her fist up your ass if u dont like her)
by SaucyBean77 December 12, 2018
Rease are hard to find sweet guys, although they can be major fuckfaces sometimes hold onto them because they are one of a kind!
by Hahahahahahahjklol September 6, 2016
The response to someone when théy ask you a question whilst you're in the process of weighing up baggies, attempting to think of an answer to the question, and calculating weights, while answering simultaneously.
by Marfarkin Flipster March 12, 2023