An electrically fired thunderflash, set off in a steel tank fitted with a wire mesh top, to simulate an explosion.
These are so loud that it is as well to inform the police in advance if one is to be set off (and at what time), so that they can be ready to deal with hundeds of reports of bombs going off.
These are so loud that it is as well to inform the police in advance if one is to be set off (and at what time), so that they can be ready to deal with hundeds of reports of bombs going off.
The heavy metal band 'Maroon' takes its namesake from this word as well as many college newspapers around the country
by MistressofToast April 20, 2006
A dedicated fan to Maroon 5, apart of the maroon 5 fandom. This is a person who appreciates all members of the band Maroon 5 and is able to name each and every members, all of there albums and the name of their previous band (Kara's Flowers). This person will often "Fan girl" and owns Maroon 5 merchandise. They are often associated with directioners (one direction fans) or Beliebers (Justin Bieber fans)
Marooner- "OH MY GOD! Did you hear that Matt flynn, Jesse Carmichael, James Valentine, Mickey madden, Sam Farrar, PJ morton and Adam Levine are going to be preforming Songs about Jane, It won't be soon before long, Hands all over and Overexposed. Ryan Dusick from Kara's flowers will even be there!
Everyday person-"Who the hell are they?, all I know is Adam Levine."
Everyday person-"Who the hell are they?, all I know is Adam Levine."
by beotch from the ghetto January 3, 2014
Term made famous by Bugs Bunny meaning a pushover, or one easily fooled.
A dope, fool, idiot, or nincompoop.
Unbelievably stupid person.
Might have been derived from moron: adding an extra letter "o" to moron meaning double-moron, thus a maroon.
Usually preceded by the words "what a"...
A dope, fool, idiot, or nincompoop.
Unbelievably stupid person.
Might have been derived from moron: adding an extra letter "o" to moron meaning double-moron, thus a maroon.
Usually preceded by the words "what a"...
He thought he was eating chocolate ice cream but it was
vanilla with chocolate syrup--what a maroon!
He thought that wax fruit was real--what a maroon!
He fell in love with a stripper again--what a maroon!
vanilla with chocolate syrup--what a maroon!
He thought that wax fruit was real--what a maroon!
He fell in love with a stripper again--what a maroon!
by thedzone September 23, 2009
by Ass-pirates July 20, 2011
being completly high and/or drunk beyond any comprehension, in which communication with peers is completly lost and one finds it inpossible to do anything more than sit or lay down on a couch for an extended period of time, often times accompanied by psychadelic music.
me: yo look at pierce over there sittin on my couch, he's so fuckin marooned he doesn't even know where he is!
by pete Thay December 30, 2008
The stage after browning when a woman's blob juice infuses with the stale stagnant brown crust of the anus, resulting in a sloppy rich maroon coloured splendour between the snatch and crack (formally known as humber bridge).
Not the best day for Tilly to do a marathon, she had been marooning since her period last May.
Rodger: "Finally got Kitty back to mine last night... got more than I bargained for"
Malcom: "No way man! Can't believe she marooned!"
Mundy: "How was the Destiny's Child concert last night?"
Pete: "Was so good Munds, I got so close, I could almost taste Beyonce's maroon."
Rodger: "Finally got Kitty back to mine last night... got more than I bargained for"
Malcom: "No way man! Can't believe she marooned!"
Mundy: "How was the Destiny's Child concert last night?"
Pete: "Was so good Munds, I got so close, I could almost taste Beyonce's maroon."
by T.Stainz April 30, 2013
by PAUL August 20, 2004