64 definitions by thedzone

Ear-piercing cackle a woman makes for attention usually within a group of other women. Often heard at restaurants.
I wish that lady with the chicken laugh would shut up!

Hear that chicken laugh?...must be a bunch of women over there.

Dude, you sound like a girl with that chicken laugh!
by thedzone October 4, 2009
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Old term for making a mistake.

Ususally phrased "pulled a boner".

Why the word bone or boner means mistake, I have no idea:

Perhaps from accidentally hitting your funny bone, acting like a bonehead; or a grave robber pulling out a bone instead of jewels from a grave...just guessing!

Nowadays if you tell someone you "pulled a boner" they might think you are gay if you are a man or horny if you are a woman!
They really pulled a boner when they hired that bozo to run the steam roller: he flattened a BMW!

I thought that black guy on the phone was white--pulled a boner on that one!

Don't pull a boner this time you dope!
by thedzone September 26, 2009
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A grumpy old man meaner than a codger or geezer.

He yells rules at you like:" If you break that you gotta pay for it!!"

...or..." Didn't you see the sign on my lawn: KEEP OFF THE GRASS?!!!"

A very mean old man who pissed you off because you really didn't do anything to him!
That old curmudgeon called the cops on me for knocking on his door!!!

That curmudgeon next door just gave me the finger!

That curmudgeon over there accused me of breaking his window and says he gonna sue!!!
by thedzone September 22, 2009
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Taken from the old Joe Palooka comic strip: a big boxer hero that helped fight the bad guys.

The word palooka has now become somewhat of a negative term usually preceded by the word "big".

Large man, clumsy man, oaf, fighter, bully, brawler.

Somewhat of a slang term.
Get away from me ya big palooka.

Stop acting like a big palooka.

Go outside if ya wanna fight ya big palooka!

Who do ya think ya are: Palooka Joe?
by thedzone September 23, 2009
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An old Halloween joke.

It could also be the result of catheters on male patients.
What do you get when you take the inside out of a hotdog?
A holloweenie!!

That nurse really gave me a holloweenie with the catheter!
by thedzone October 9, 2009
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1. Early 1970s rock band that had various members including the original Kiss lineup: Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Ace Frehley and Peter Criss.

2. The nastiest shit or fart you have ever smelled in your life.
1. Did Wicked Lester ever make an album?

2. Who left the wicked lester in my toilet?...not cool!!!
by thedzone October 7, 2009
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Term from Shakespearean days: Brazen meaning: snippy, saucy, bitchy, bold, conceited. Wench meaning: woman...usually young and of low class like a servant, bimbo, bar floozy, or whore. Technically means bitchy young woman but can be used for any woman. Term is often used as an insult.
Modern Times: Did you see her dance with your man...what a
brazen wench!
Days of Yore: Off with ye now ye brazen wench (slaps her ass) fetch me my pint of ale!!!
by thedzone October 19, 2009
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