
A cocky rugby league fan who supports Queensland in the state of Origin. Thinks they have the right to be smug (which the probably do) because they won 5 origins straight. Not to be confused with a wanker who has lived in New South Wales his whole life, and supports Queensland.
First Person: GO THE BLUES!
Second Person: Na no way mate, this is year of the mighty MAROONS
by nsWsupporter June 18, 2011
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This is a racial slur used to refer to black slaves abandoned("marooned") by slave ships on islands on the way to thier destination when they were found to be in some way inferior and not worthy of a good price at auction. It means, in effect," One who is deemed unworthy of even the lowliest of prices."
" I hired the guy to sweep up hair in the barber shop but he can't even do that! What a maroon!"
by Toneiseverything July 5, 2012
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The name of a band I once had. Not to be confused with Maroon 5.
Maroon was doomed from the start.
by Persephone~ January 18, 2009
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Did you see that guy punch a kid
Yeah that’s Cameron Munster he plays for the maroons
by Lord beau June 5, 2019
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Friend: "You are so gay bro"
Cameron: "Yes, yes I am. MAROONS RULE"
by mllttt December 4, 2019
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An individual whom is incapable to understand the hidden insult
Steven "Look at this kid he's such a maroon."

Austin "What's maroon i looked it up in the dictionary but all it said that its a color!"

Aaron "Austin, your not going to find maroon in the dictionary."
by SIRMIDNIGHT May 26, 2010
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A mook with a Ph.D
Upon finishing his doctoral thesis, that stupid asshole frat jerkoff officially became a Maroon.
by Zippy, the Pinhead September 7, 2007
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