
Plan and simple, Its fucking purple.
Mitch: Hey Dave! My Nana loves your new purple car!

Dave: it's maroon you dick!
by Such a Dick May 6, 2014
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A maroon is a guy who usually is cute and kind and has a six pack snd is fast and has great hair he also has brown eyes that you can stare in forever, he also has sexy brown skin.
Hey,do yo see Jake,Ben,Ellis and Maroon they mad cute
by Mforce66 October 3, 2018
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maroon pill

A Maroon pill is someone who has a mix of both Blackpill and Redpill views. They often agree with some Blackpill views, however they usually can't fully agree with the bleak outcomes that the Blackpill believe in. The same can be applied to the Redpill. Maroon Pills often find the Redpill to be too optimistic.
Joe: I'm not sure the Redpill is for me anymore. I've tried everything and it ain't working out for me. However I don't agree fully with the Blackpill.

Dave: I guess you're a Maroon Pill then.
by The Dank Meme June 29, 2020
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Sandy Maroon

Sandy Maroon can be used as an adjective to describe anything sexual or a person in a negative way.
"Last night I gave her the ol' Sandy Maroon"
"Don't be such a Sandy Maroon"
"Did you she that girls Sandy Maroon"
"I can't believe Britney had such a Sandy Maroon"
"That's such a Sandy Maroon move"
by Andrew & Erik May 26, 2008
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Noun - a person of such stupidity, that they are an even bigger moron than normal.
by Pocketspy April 15, 2009
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Maroon Poon

The result of placing ones penis into a bootyhole then remove said penis then inserting it into a vagina while it's menstruating. The results are a concoction of blood and feces that resembles the color maroon.
"Omg Neto totally maroon pooned Mrs. Big BootyHoe."
by Bahhhginia May 18, 2015
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Maroon 5

Any band that is generic, corporate pop, often with autotuned 'singing' and music that sounds like it was written by a committee of following a survey of deaf teen girls' music preferences.
A: What's that shit on the radio?
B: I don't know, Maroon 5.
A: The band Maroon 5?
B: I don't know. Some sell-out bullshit 'music'! What's the difference what the current version is called, just change that shit!
by Who’R’You December 21, 2014
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