1. You can depend on Rob to act like a maroon when he gets on his soapbox.
by Harry Flashman June 28, 2003
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Southernism for moron, especially when it is shouted form a car....
by Bitchieygurl13 July 10, 2004
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The horrible colour thats forms as a result of mixing shit and blood when wiping your ass. It results in a catch 22 situation where you are forced to decide whether to carry on wiping or leave it be.

The recommended solution is to continue with a wet wipe using a dabbing technique. If available, apply savlon after.
Anon 1: Why you walking like that?
Anon 2: Just took a shit.
Anon 1: So why you walking like that?
Anon 2: I saw maroon and was forced to carry wiping.
Anon 1: Shit man, are you OK?
by OndaLash July 19, 2011
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an ugly color, not to mention a horrible teacher and a terrible person. maroons are lazy, rude, mean, fat, ugly, and overall unpleasant.

maroons dislike children of every variety. yet, they take the easy way out by becoming a teacher because it's an easy job. tenure saves their asses.
"teacher" being the key word - in order to be a "teacher" one would have to TEACH.


by Erunn July 11, 2010
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first heard as a descriptor (or more precisely: "word picture") of fone-bone, a loveable character from the golden era radio comedy; "fone-bone's folly".

Maroon (n.): One who wears hushpuppies brand or styled footwear and engages in pedophilic tendencies including autoerotic gratification in the presence of children.
"fone-bone, your a maroon!"
by Cortical Homunculus May 14, 2004
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A) A term used to confuse people into thinking it's an insult.

B) An actual insult. Basically calling someone an insane moron.
A) Josh: God, Sami! You such a maroon!
Sami: Teacher, Josh called me a maroon again!

B) God, Sami! Your such a maroon!
Sami: Teacher, Josh called me a maroon again!

Either way, Sami gets confused and defensive.
by Clock Watcher June 25, 2005
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