
Most predominantly used in the greater New York area, "mad" is an appropriate replacement for Northern California's "hella" and Boston's "wicked." In the common vernacular, it translates into "a lot" or "extremely." Can be used almost interchangeably with any of the above listed words.

For the most part, it means angry.
It's mad hot today.
She has mad problems.
by SVex January 18, 2005
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"That kids mad cool"

"i got mad money"
by sarah April 2, 2003
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(adj.) an adjective used to enhance a noun.
1- dude, you got skills.
2- dude, you got mad skills.
by will holland January 17, 2004
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1. crazy, insane, demented, nuts, deranged, out of one's mind, bonkers, lost one's marbles.

2. angry (usually limited to the United States)

3. extremely, very
-"I get up before dawn, go to bed at midnight, work until I'm half-mad, and what do I get for it?!"

-"Ophelia's gone mad and she's run off! We have to catch her!"

-"Wow, your mom's really mad!"

-"This book is mad boring!"
by Lorelili April 6, 2008
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bein butthurt over somethin pointless
andrew 10/10 mad cos his buddies text him a 1000 times and Favorited a few hundred tweets.
by bongmaster420gary December 1, 2013
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Title of a satirical magazine and subsequent televeision show that pokes fun at the media and current events.
My mom better not throw away my old issues of MAD magazine.
by beto chapa October 7, 2005
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Australian term for awesumness,cool,crazy fun,kewl, fantastic, sick!
"how mad was that???"
by madperson November 17, 2005
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