
Bastardisation of "lollerin'", or "LOL" (ell oh ell!). To laugh out loud at something, but with undertones of pity for the ineptitude of the joke, person, or item.
"hay guys I just raped a cow by accident"
Reply: "lor~"
by steamloller March 13, 2003
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Lor is a word used by people in Baltimore. Saying that somebody is little
Imma rock that Lor girl if she say sum again yo
by MyaWya April 4, 2015
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Means "lil"

It's the way "lil" is pronounced in Baltimore.
You seen my lor sista ?

Girl, shut ya lor a*s up !
by Msperfects April 25, 2010
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It means “lil” and “little” in baltimore
If lor boy keep running his mouth ima beat his shit
by ababababaldlakehr June 18, 2019
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Cantonese slang, used in a very lazy manner.
Deinfation is similar to duh, but in a more lazy manner,
usually added at the end of a sentence
A: What's a pillow
B: The thing you're sitting on lor -_-
by GOREKITTY January 26, 2010
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A beautiful girl whom makes you go crazy. Someone who hides so much and still manages to keep her head up high. The one who isn't afraid to say what she means. the one who all of the guys want for her looks at first, but then realize what she really is--one of the most genuine, loyal, and beautiful human beings on the planet, inside and out. When she smiles you can see the bright light of her soul shine through her eyes. If she is your friend, she will be the best friend, she'll have your back no matter what. If she is your enemy, then you have wronged her, and she will never forget it.
Ahhh, look at her, she's such a Lor....
by Floreye August 24, 2013
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Left. On. Read. This is when you full out 100% totally completely get rejected and ignored.
Lol i just got LOR by Travis kms.
by Travisss Scottt January 18, 2017
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