A jack shack is a place like a seedy massage parlor or "modeling studio" or "gentlemen's spa" where you can get a hand job for a reasonable price, and little fear of getting arrested for soliciting.
Hey buddy, gotten your rocks off at the jack shack lately?
by Alex Selfridge October 21, 2005
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Usually specific to soldiers, or other people who are forced to live in close proximity for long periods of time without either sexual activity or privacy, a jack shack is a small shack made out of blankets, ponchos or poncho liners that is erected so that the builder can masturbate in relative peace. It is often explained away as a means to block light, or provide privacy to change, despite being erected almost exclusively around one's sleeping quarters.
syn: whackatorium
He had only been in Iraq for a week, but he had already built an intricate and comfortable jack shack.
by Barchack April 13, 2008
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An establishment that provides cost effective massage treatments of the sexual variety. Also known as a massage parlor.
Jonathan frequents jack shacks because; (a) he's drunk, (b) he's horny, (c) he loves the smell of Clorox, or (d) champagne rooms are too expensive.
by ItchyandScratchy October 17, 2005
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a secluded cabin or lean-to in the woods for pulling oneself in
The Unabomber spent much of his time in his wooded jack shack hideaway.
by Unchangeable Bird January 26, 2020
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We couldn't find Dave, then we realized he was in his jack shack.
by Tolchester Tugger March 7, 2016
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A building which sells sex toys and porn videos and has 25 cent peep shows in the back room.
Hey mom, gimme a roll of quarters so I can go down the jack shack and rub one off.
by mws August 7, 2003
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A shed, shack, camping shelter, tent or other shelter which provides protection from view and privacy, when used by the inhabitant (often a teenager) to masturbate, smoke marijuana, or drink alcohol without being discovered or disturbed.
My family doesn't give me any privacy so I have to go to my Jack shack in the woods when I want to rub one out or smoke a joint.
by Johnathan J. Johnson April 18, 2020
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