When the dick of an obese man is engulfed and hidden by the fat surrounding his pelvic area.
I gained so much weight over the holidays, I suffered from a bad case of indicktion, my girl could not find my dick.
by Frank Palace January 5, 2012
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1) The change in inductance obtained after sticking your penis in in the center of an inductor, measured in Henries.

2) A quantitative measure of how big one's member really is... using electricity.
Nerd 1 "Just stick it in the middle and I'll flip the switch."

Nerd 2 "This is as gay as nerdsex."

Nerd 1 "It will measure your indicktance level, which you can post online. Now stfu and hold it steady."
by Dualies December 10, 2010
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The stretching found in the crotch of used or second-hand pants.
"Steve bought a pair of vintage running shorts, but he was too small to fill the indicktation.
by ECBoots May 12, 2010
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