by Stevo and Josho November 19, 2005
Dude, my hospital bill was $2000 even after they ran my top-of-the-line insurance! All I had was a broken finger!
by WelkinRing January 21, 2012
His hospitality has encouraged other people to help out other people.
by Grace24 June 7, 2007
The lucky seven had him put in the hospital ER and he ended up with a sky high medical bill, the best prank ever!
by Solid Mantis February 6, 2018
Something you can't piss on because you're dad won't allow it.
A line spoken from the horrible movie troll 2
A line spoken from the horrible movie troll 2
Micheal: You see this writing!.... you know what it means!?!...... Hospitality... And you can't piss on Hospitality! I won't allow it!
by oh my gooooooooooooooooood June 15, 2010
by Anonymous December 24, 2002
A place where medical facilities exist, that caters fro the wounded. Staffed by doctors and nurses, as well as specialist doctors.
Do you like hospital food?
by Kung-Fu Jesus April 30, 2004