by Joe aka Codes August 19, 2003
by Me November 6, 2002
by Shawn B. April 7, 2003
To filch is when a man eyaculates inside someones anus (usually another man), then he sucks the cum out with a straw like object. The filcher is the one who eyaculates. The filchee is the receptor of the cum. Filching is the act of filching. Filched is the usual past tense of the verb.
by Eddi Meddi June 25, 2007
this is the act of de-clawing and shaving a hampster and shoving it up the rectum to let it crawl around until it dies.
by stfutwatwaffle November 19, 2008
"lets go and filtch Mulder" said Scully , got any straws? lets go ask. Your Alien needs a good filching!
by Fenton November 14, 2003
from the age of sexually deprived people who just loved their animals, involves shoving rather porr inocent furry rodents up ones backside to achieve sexual pleasure.
pass time of townies
pass time of townies
by barbarella June 8, 2004