A severe, sudden and powerful surge of electricity entering your organic being and frying your inside bits.
by BennyBenny July 10, 2019
When someone elects to drink too many 'depth charges' thus forcing them to become a spectator for the rest of the night.
by Catenacci April 27, 2008
Boy 1: did you hear Jimmy threw his toaster in the toilet
Boy 2: Yes he went quick in one of the many ways of electrocution.
Boy 2: Yes he went quick in one of the many ways of electrocution.
by ShadyFlute December 6, 2019
To kill something using electricity. In common usage, the word is incorrectly used as a synonym to "shock," which means to apply electricity to. This usage being far-spread does not make it correct, however.
Incorrect: My science teacher electrocuted me when I entered the classroom. (Unless your science teacher is a murderer.)
Correct: The man, condemned for third degree manslaughter and arson, was electrocuted.
Correct: The man, condemned for third degree manslaughter and arson, was electrocuted.
by Anonymous_YXZ August 9, 2006
by MrPang October 12, 2010
by chipskid May 16, 2010
by okthisisstupid August 29, 2009