by janessa July 28, 2003 object, event, action that is fantastically crappy.
2. a person that is fantastic at being/looking crappy.
2. a person that is fantastic at being/looking crappy.
by the shiznit March 25, 2006
It's for when something is so awesome that its crappy. Or it can be used to make the best out of a bad situation.
by SOmE rAnDoM pErSoN January 26, 2005
by Shawn E. April 18, 2003
That football game was craptastic!
by Blondie02 April 22, 2009
Someone: "Hey, Jim, how was your first day at work?"
Jim: "I got fired..."
Someone: "What a craptastic day you had."
Jim: "I got fired..."
Someone: "What a craptastic day you had."
by Someguyontheinternet October 28, 2009
You find a pair of brand new hiking boots at the thrift store in your size. The boots are "craptastic!"
by lovelymissalex April 22, 2009