by Mom2my3bs~Krista February 22, 2007
by Rob November 18, 2003
Unbelievably messed up; the icing on the cake; the straw that broke the camel's back; the highlight of an already fucked up day; an event that is unforseen and which happens so suddenly it leaves the beholder almost speechless with dismay
And as if my day hadn't been bad enough up until this point, I go home to find my best friend in bed with my man. How craptastic is that!?!
by hthrB February 25, 2015
My little brother convinced me to buy medel of honor frontline yesterday, and guess what... it's craptastic
by the real quazy_qual March 21, 2004
Craptastic is a cross between crappy and fantastic. Craptastic can be used to describe an event so crappy on a large scale, that you just sit back and watch it in all its crappy glory. For instance, your buddy puts his car in the ditch the first day he has it.
Eric: Dude, can you give me a hand?
Corey: With what?
Eric: I kinda put my car in a ditch...
Corey: Where are you at, I'll be there in a few minutes...
--->5 minutes later
Corey: Dude... this is definately a craptastic moment for ya.. Especially cuz I dont have a tow rope!
Corey: With what?
Eric: I kinda put my car in a ditch...
Corey: Where are you at, I'll be there in a few minutes...
--->5 minutes later
Corey: Dude... this is definately a craptastic moment for ya.. Especially cuz I dont have a tow rope!
by Teh Phantom240 January 11, 2007
by argo 5 April 29, 2003
The crappest of all crap.
"I'm going to kill you"
"Awww, that's just craptastic"
"Dude you're the most craptastic person I know"
"Awww, that's just craptastic"
"Dude you're the most craptastic person I know"
by Framoes June 12, 2003