The opposite of progress. A bunch of old, rich, whiney white men who think they know how the female body works. Capable of throwing a tantrum and shutting down the American government at any given moment.
by PoisonPurple May 11, 2016
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An overpaid circle jerk that can raise its own pay. Nowhere else would it take 100 people to fuck something up.
Congress is like the Special Olympics after a lobotomy.
by Jesus January 18, 2003
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1. The American form of parliament, consisting of two houses: The Senate and The House of Representatives. The Senate has two representatives from each state, and the House of Representatives has representation by population. Make laws and are a branch of the American system of checks and balances along with the Judicial System and the President, so no one has absolute power.

2. A bunch of idiot old white men who like to argue and scream at each other. Incapable of working together to come to any useful decisions, like to flip-flop and second guess each other. All they really care about it the money, which is all the American government cares about, seeing as we are capitalists.
1. Congress is very useful in keeping the awesome American government running smoothly.

2. All the n00bs in Congress are completely useless twats who should be thrown in that big old river next to Washington, D.C.
by ibloomblaum90 November 27, 2005
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Alex has to get his plan through it
I can’t stop until I get my plan through CONGRESS
by OCEAN BAKA October 21, 2018
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(prop n.) 1. A barrel of monkeys randomatically set loose in government office periodically. Through their collective decisive power, the United States of America was formed.
"Hey, it's almost time for the new Congress election!" "Better go buy some more monkeys."
by Razukin December 2, 2002
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"A Republican stands up and yells,


a Democrat then stands up and says,


- Lewis Black
session in congress

Republican: "I vote we take our dicks out of these pencil sharpeners and do something."

Democrat: "COMMUNIST!"
by william l. August 30, 2006
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