A film that indulges in the hopes and dreams of women and/or girls. A film that has a happy, fuzzy, ridiculously unrealistic ending.
My best friend's wedding, Mona Lisa Smile, Runaway Bride, The Wedding Planner, Maid in Manhattan, Josie and the pussycats, Mean girls, A cinderella story, Freaky Friday.... I could go on forever!
by bigtones September 19, 2004
A film that has the following formula:
Two people fall in love
They get along fine
There is some kind of misunderstanding
They break up
They get back together
The end.
Two people fall in love
They get along fine
There is some kind of misunderstanding
They break up
They get back together
The end.
by ice26 February 15, 2009
I word which refers to movies characteristically geered at young females in their twenties and late teens. Must include: love scenes, kissing, something sad, a happy ending, Flipper.
by Flav November 19, 2003
by Male January 26, 2005
A sappy film that is generally geared towards women. It is always a love story, usually a comedy, and nausea inducing in men.
by Elizabeth Grey July 9, 2016
A movie that embodies all that is wrong with the world; a movie which displays a gross over-indulgence into, and exploration of, the workings of the female psyche and the accomanying emotional tendencies.
by B-rad January 25, 2005
Term for a movie geared for women. Quite often seen on cable TV like The Hallmark Channel and endorsed by people like Oprah. These movies make women the heros and show life from a woman's perspective. Most men hate these films cuz they are cheezy and dumb. Pussy-whipped men like them...or pretend to.
Wife: Honey, lets watch: She Finally Kills The Bad Guy!
Husband's mind: ( Not another chick flick! )
Husband's reply: ...yes dear.
Husband's mind: ( Not another chick flick! )
Husband's reply: ...yes dear.
by thedzone October 4, 2009