87 definitions by bigtones

The police claim that the Stop Snitchin program is preventing them from solving crimes, but their own blue wall of silence is just as damaging.
by bigtones April 26, 2007
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Verb: To be shot in the head beside an American-made car and then have said car run over your head. Made famous by Phil Leotardo's death on The Sopranos.
Phil Leotardo got killed in the most memorable way in the series finale.
by bigtones August 20, 2007
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When you stick your scrotum in a girl's vegina.
"I gave Amanda a cul-de-sac, and we ended up having to call the ambulance, because of.... a mishap."
by bigtones March 11, 2005
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Feminine pads produced by the Rocafella family. First advertised on Chappelle's Show.
"If your bum is leakin, you need to be seekin -- Rocapads. It's the Roc!!!"
by bigtones August 9, 2006
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AKA Mr. Britney Spears
One of the many reasons American society is deteriorating. He's a role model for lazy pricks everywhere who don't know the meaning of hard work but want success anyway. The product of a generation that's lost its soul. God help us if our future is going to be led by people like him.
Kevin Federline: Magic mirror, how can I look like a douchebag today?
Mirror: Well Kevin, um first of all, I would say don't shave and don't shower.
Kevin: Ok, I won't.
Mirror: And you just got out of bed, right?
Kevin: Yeah.
Mirror: Uh, I would say just go ahead and wear that tank top all day.
Kevin: Um...ok.
Mirror: So let's see, we covered the hygiene, no collared shirts... um... oh! Don't forget to walk around with an undeserved sense of accomplishment.
by bigtones May 23, 2006
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A great rock band that gives a vital message to the American youth.
Shit, I just like them because they hate Bush.
by bigtones October 5, 2004
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