by notabyy February 24, 2015
For a so-called hard rock, metal band, their band name is pretty sappy. Band name example ---> Butterfly Girls
by Lady Nightshade May 30, 2006
His arms are perfect. He's so adorable. He's my everything.
They way he looks at me makes me melt. Sorry I'm talking so sappy
They way he looks at me makes me melt. Sorry I'm talking so sappy
by Iyanananananah June 8, 2014
Yes, I am sappy but I hope you have fun on your trip. (happy this person is going on their trip, but sad because youll miss them)
by Marc May 28, 2004
by Light Joker December 9, 2005
a nice ass nirvana song thats pretty much unknown. a.k.a. verse chorus verse but the real name is sappy.
by wickedt April 24, 2004
the condition of acting mushy and being under the influence of punch drunk love. This condition can only occur under the influence of a minimum of six beers.
by JRock76 October 22, 2011