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An abnormally obnoxious know-it-all, but brainless, individual who always has an answer, or factoid about everything, or "has done that too" but better than you. However, everyone knows better.
There goes that bobblehead Dan saying that, "the store's OPEN sign is in violation of the National Epileptic Association standards!"
by Harvimus Maximus September 21, 2007
by *Yo Momma. May 22, 2006
by Jay January 8, 2004
giving so much damn oral sex to a male that u are given that name and called one throughout your school.
by LoveCrusher April 19, 2006
The act of oral sex, hinted to in my own definition of gooseneck. A direct reference to the head of the female bouncing up and down around the cock-al region of a male during fellatio, resembling a bobblehead doll after its head has been tapped.
by Paul L-K (while blunted) March 23, 2005