385 definitions by Jay

the shitty andy lewis

a homoerotic lap dance where andy tipton lewis leaves a shit streak down a guys shirt.
i went to the gay bar and got the shitty andy lewis.
by Jay March 30, 2005
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A cross between a Nerd and a Geek.
Jon from big brother is a neek.
by Jay June 6, 2003
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Someone quiet but tough and wild n crazy
That kid scrappy from harlem aint nothin to mess with.
by Jay February 28, 2005
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Possibly the greatest punk band very talented for all of those who say they arent Talent NOFX songs:Stickin My Eye,The Decline,Irrationality of Rationality,hobophobic
people who dont like NOFX can fuck off
by Jay July 30, 2003
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Wicked cool dude. Likes beer and women, or beer on women, or women who consume beer.

Way cooler than Evan, Dennis and Jim, and has way better luck with the ladies.

Has a golden star from Lana.

Once again, way cooler than the above.
Netter, that guy is the guy man.
by Jay October 8, 2004
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a lover named Jay Kim or Mina Chang
"Jay, you're a baboo!"
by Jay June 15, 2004
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