
Hey bid, what's goin on today? You are a real good bid fo
by Aaron Levin May 1, 2006
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Bid is short for biddy, which means old woman.
An old bid got mugged on her way out of the bank.
by Becky Allen March 10, 2006
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when you tp and do other things to a persons house
I cant wait to break the bid record of 170 rolls on ewert
by kruk March 24, 2005
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Hey you bid on me!!!!!!!
by dilpgh June 13, 2003
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the bid

The Bid is used to describe a certain event, situation, or person as funny.
"That movie was the bid". "You was the bid last night". "Bruh that fight was the bid".
by Nowillywonka February 22, 2015
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1.The opposite of legitimate business. 2.A street hustle, or a shady and mostly illegal business venture.
3. Dealings that aren't exactly "street legal"
Bloomingdales=Business. Selling dresses and purses out of your trunk=Bidness
by Mr*Myxx* August 30, 2003
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Distortion of "business." Used to denote business that is illicit, awesome, or both.
1. Bob: Have you been doing any bidness?
John: No, man. I'm clean.

2. Bob: Did you blow up the secret Nazi stronghold?
John: Yes, I took care of bidness.
by MC Jiggy J March 20, 2006
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