
by tha blazer May 21, 2005
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Yo, dat bitch was illin' when she kicked me in da bidness!
by Electron February 7, 2004
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The act or process of playing video games, and/or anything that refers to an action or a person.
1. "Bids what are you doing tonight?"
2. "Oh, I'm playing bids later."
3. "Want to hop on bids tonight?"
4. "Oohhh Bids."
5. "I'm going over to bid's house later to play bids."
6. "Bids tobids?"
by The Fallen Samurai May 3, 2010
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to beat a niggas or bitdh ass
if dat nigga kepp fyckin im a give him the bidness
by Ryan December 1, 2004
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Internet message board/chat room abbreviation for "but I digress."
"Bunnies are amazing! My bunny was named after a javelina. You know, those big smelly hooved ungulates that clatter and snarl at you. Oh, this one time, I almost got ran over by a javelina when I was six.

BID. My bunny was pretty scary, too."
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