
as in "None of yo damn bidness!"

OR "That's NUNYA damned bidness."
by Stonium February 20, 2003
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Pulling someone into the public and making a spectacle of them...
Her hair look a mess aww she the bid
by Whoishayleigh September 3, 2018
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A slang phrase used to describe an amount of time served in a jail and or prison sentence.
NAS: "my niggas come home from long bids, they check on me before they see they own kids"
by fresh prince lamont January 29, 2008
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Hot chicks; used casually in conversation normally between guys
"These are my WV bids"
by Dr. Suresh June 16, 2007
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The word used to substitute the "business" when not meant to be used in its literal context. Often used in the context of "None of your business" without trying to sound too white.
Proper use of the word "bidness":

Yeah, my pops owns a business, but it ain't nunyo damn BIDNESS, ho.
by Muzak March 12, 2008
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the bid

dc slang to say someone is goofy or being a fool and it's funny/ridiculous
girl: i had to break up with my ex 7 times before i realized we really shouldn't be together
other girl: ur the bid
by champagnepoopi November 14, 2019
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1. An entity that provides a good or service.

2. One's own personal affairs.

3. A friend's mother.
1. Ma hos are my bidness.

2. Fools be up in ma bidness.

3. I handle my bidness quite well.
by Ryan November 18, 2003
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