
A term used mainly in jail to make fun of an inmate at another prisoners expensive, to make your bid(Time), a much better experience.
Hey, that new rapist is on the block. We'll have fun bidding on him.
by FatherJmBd85 November 4, 2008
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1. Personal or privileged knowledge.

2. The right to do something.
1. Bill: What was your major in college?
John: I majored in bidness -- nunyo bidness.

2. user@linux:~# chmod 666 vmlinuz
bash: error: you ain't got no bidness doin dat.
by Benzi December 15, 2005
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bud business. best run by those with PHD (pretty heady dank)
my bidness is lucrative.
by abbycdiddy March 13, 2011
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A word used to describe a girl, trick, woman, or female. Plural can be bids or biddies. Derived from bitches, which can be shortened to bids.
Jake- "Where the bids at?"
Brandon- "I don't know, haven't seen a good bid in a while."
by bid93 April 24, 2009
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Yo dog, mynyo own bidness.
by pawg_luva August 5, 2013
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The exact opposite of dibs.. You don't want anything to do with it, you call out bids like you do dibs for something
Jeff:" Dude did you see that girl at the bar?". Me:" Yeah I got bids on that ass!"
by futuristic einstein June 11, 2014
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bad idea, basically when some twat has a terrible idea
jade had a bid when she thought it was cool to use 2 instead of two fucking bid
by david12321 November 30, 2012
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