
verb used to describe the action of leaving class to wander the halls. perferably accompanied by a juul or other vape device.
ian: what are you doing

annabelle: adventuring

ian: ah sick 🤙🏽
by unicornsarereal January 19, 2018
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When one snoops around the offices and other private areas of a company one works at, this is done if you work the graveyard shift.You look around in areas that you could not if you worked in the day,there would be people working there and they would object.Mostly looking in peoples private offices for privileged info ect, this also includes looking in to private refrigerators to grab some sneaky snacks.
Setting: Graveyard shift at General Manufacturing.

Hey where is that dam Johnny I need him to take over for me while I go to the bathroom.

Oh Johnny is out adventuring in the supervisors office again.

Oh shit.

Johnny comes back, Hey assholes guess what I just found out!


We gonna get laid off on April 1st!
I just saw the memo on Ms. Ironbottoms desk.

Oh fuck I just bought a new Skidoo!

Haw-Haw tough shit for you !

No more job for you!!!
by Stewart Larkin March 12, 2009
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What every girl on tinder says she likes while she watches Netflix all day
Take me on an adventure.... To my couch so we can Netflix and chill
by Mrxsmith12 February 13, 2016
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something that is most likely a very, very bad idea, but sounds like it would be exciting, so you try it anyway
Let's go to North Korea! It would be an adventure!
by foltor August 8, 2005
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The coolest damπ people ever. These are the guys and girls who have skillfully kindled the roaring flame within that is the spirit of adventure. They live off of the thrill of exploring, battling, and justice. While others are being boring they go off to fight the forces of evil! You could sit anywhere and look around and the only way to tell who is an adventurer is to look for bags under their eyes. They don't sleep, justice NEVER sleeps.
Bob: "Where's Chris and Emma?"

Andrew: "Oh they're in they're fighting a forest wizard."

Bob: "Oh cool! I know Adventurers!!
by amazingboy97 November 29, 2010
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Someone who travels and battles evil only to be stopped by an arrow in the knee.
City Guard: I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow to the knee...
by Link998 May 18, 2013
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A group of people with the proverbial grape fruit sized testicles that will try anything, anywhere, anytime.
Those adventurers sure are cool as they will try anything!
by Axel F April 7, 2006
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