by Lloyd D. March 25, 2005
Phrase that can be used during a texas hold em to show bluff after the hand is over. At the University of Maryland even used as a phrase of jubilation, greeting, or after a crucial action has taken place.
JamesBG: I can't put you on a hand, I'll fold my two pair (shows hand)
ArjunM: Yeah Bitches! (shows 5 high)
ArjunM: Yeah Bitches! (shows 5 high)
by The Murahari Dynasty, Jan. 19, 2006 January 19, 2006
Phrase used to express euphoria over winning a game. The losing party is referred to as "bitches", regardless of their gender. Bitches is not meant as a sexual slur, but merely to express dominance.
by fasterthankuba April 25, 2019
by Pong Kanong October 4, 2006
Jesse pinkman's reaction to seeing a uhaul truck used as a giant magnet using car batteries to destroy a laptop.
*uhaul truck magnet destroys and thors hammers that mf to it* Jesse pink man who had the idea: YEAH BITCH, MAGNETS
by Mr.Bruhaps August 11, 2022
This is a line spoken by the character Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad, when he sees how great Mr. White's crystal meth is because of improved technology. Use it in everyday conversation in a number of ways as follows.
1. To suggest that science is a stronger explanation for just about anything than religion is.
Dude 1: I prayed for my baby to get well, but I also took her to the doctor.
Dude 2: Yeah, science, bitch!
2. To point out the relationship between science and the creation of both pharmaceutical and recreational drugs.
Dude 1: I just took some dilaudid and I feel great. That migraine won't be bothering me again for a while.
Dude 2: Yeah, science, bitch!
3. To show how awesome it is to know science-y stuffs.
Dude 1: The sun is eight light-minutes away. That means that when it explodes, we won't know about it for eight minutes.
Dude 2: Yeah, science, bitch!
Dude 1: I prayed for my baby to get well, but I also took her to the doctor.
Dude 2: Yeah, science, bitch!
2. To point out the relationship between science and the creation of both pharmaceutical and recreational drugs.
Dude 1: I just took some dilaudid and I feel great. That migraine won't be bothering me again for a while.
Dude 2: Yeah, science, bitch!
3. To show how awesome it is to know science-y stuffs.
Dude 1: The sun is eight light-minutes away. That means that when it explodes, we won't know about it for eight minutes.
Dude 2: Yeah, science, bitch!
by Klonnie October 2, 2013
when someone points out another's behavior that dishonorably goes against those he's close to, usually to appeal to women or themselves.
Dude 1: Sorry, can't hang out today, I'd rather be watching the basketball game
Dude 2: Cancelling plans so you can watch basketball? yeah, that's bitch shit
Dude 2: Cancelling plans so you can watch basketball? yeah, that's bitch shit
by zakjaypeg April 26, 2019