When an illegal drug crew gets a new shipment and/or a new supplier, it is not uncommon for them to have one day where they give out "testers", essentially free samples that junkies will ultimately comment on the quality of. It ensures the dealers or not being ripped off by suppliers and can also cause some junkies to become loyal to that crew and their product. Junkies are often very excited for tester day, since it means a rare free high.
by soe77 December 29, 2011
Behaving crazed or unreasonably because of excessive levels of testosterone. Over reacting in an angry or jealous way.
by sorrow jones November 9, 2010
A man totally overcome by his raging hormones and being just too male, especially when it comes to fast cars.
by Gwazel July 11, 2014
Testerical - Imaginary outrage or stong emotion, which may not or may not include tears and belligerent language, from an adult male. Having the capacity to become testerical is expected to originate from an over abundance of male privilege and lack of empathy for the plight of anyone other than themselves.
by Kelligraphy September 30, 2018
ever seen a fat chav bloke with shitloads of tatoos? well hes probably a tester. tatoo parlours grab random blokes off the street, drug 'em then draw random shit on them.
by prettyugly November 21, 2004
Person 1: I just got hired on at RIM!!
Person 2: So you just got a RIM Job??
Person 1: YES...and I got a pretty cool position too
Person 2: O'rly? (go/orly)
Person 1: Penetration Tester
Person 2: So let me get this straight...your a penetration tester at your RIM Job??
Person 1: Yes sir..
Person 2: So you just got a RIM Job??
Person 1: YES...and I got a pretty cool position too
Person 2: O'rly? (go/orly)
Person 1: Penetration Tester
Person 2: So let me get this straight...your a penetration tester at your RIM Job??
Person 1: Yes sir..
by Bigg Jimmy B May 22, 2009