
1. As in "moustache". 2. secret collection such as drugs, pornography, etc.
Oh shit, my mom found my stash!
by Pac and Biggy live February 12, 2003
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Someone that you're involved with that you have no intention of introducing to your friends or family.
I am his stash.
by Reversebatmam August 25, 2017
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to hide, store secretly
by proofhitter November 3, 2003
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an amount of intoxicating substances for.ex. marijuana or other drugs
"i gotta big weed stash, pocket full of cash"

they had some weed from their secret stash
by fi$ June 18, 2005
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Items of clothing, usually aquired whilst at University, baring the name of a club to which the wearer belongs and usually a obscure nickname picked up in Freshers' Week. Every club or team likes to believe that they have the best stash. Highly desirable at universities like Durham, UK.
Tarquin: "Shall we do a Bailey bar crawl in our Tennis Stash?"
Rupert: "Oh golly! That would be delightful!"
by theotherSummer May 13, 2005
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"Yo Jordan where is your stash man"
"Its in C:Creative\soundblaster\soundmixer\"
by TheG May 24, 2005
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when i get my money im bout to stash it!
by dmoney25 July 7, 2009
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