14 definitions by Jim King

He's got suction with the mayor.
by Jim King September 8, 2005
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roll on, roll off shipping cargo on wheels like automobiles
There's no work for the loading crew today except for some roro's.
by Jim King December 17, 2004
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to grant immunity to facilitate an indictment of the higher up criminal
We can't get to the main man, but maybe we can get someone to roll up on him.
by Jim King December 17, 2004
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Don't talk to him, he's a knocko.
by Jim King December 16, 2004
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I know the cops are gone because the hoppers are back out.
by Jim King September 8, 2005
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drug dealers who shout out drug availability on the street
There must be a new stash, the touts are out.
by Jim King December 18, 2004
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to back up or support, especially financially
He was there to fade a few of those crap shooters.
by Jim King December 18, 2004
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