The feeling one gets the morning after getting wasted and realizing they had sex with a fat girl.
"I got hammered last night, and when I saw what I woke up next to, I came down with a bad case of Swine Flu."
by mungraker May 31, 2009
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to be used as a way to make fun of a friend for hooking up with an overweight woman.
by Leather Neck September 3, 2009
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A term used to describe a group of cops or pigs especially when they're making arrests or breaking up a party. Swine flu is known to be a fatal illness for parties.
Did you go to that party last night?
Yea it was weak though, it had the swine flu so it was over hella early.
by freshaholic May 3, 2009
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An undercover cop;
Someone who hangs around or works with the police
Jimmy: Yo don't trust that dude
John: Why?
Jimmy: I think he got the Swine Flu
John: He ain't even sick
Jimmy: But he hangs around with Pigs (police)
by JattDizzleTheProducer November 9, 2009
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1. n. a phrase used in response to any signs or symptoms of any sort of illness; used to mock the media's overexaggeration of the Swine Flu "epidemic".

The phrase can be used as part of a sentence, or as a comment on its own.
Jim: I have a headache, and I think my allergies are acting up.

Tim (jokingly): You probably have Swine Flu.


Tim: *coughs/sneezes*

Jim: Swine Flu!!!!

Tommy: Quick, call the hospital and the local news crew!
by thisisanepicepidemic May 12, 2009
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A type of influenza that originally affects pigs but somehow got transferred to humans. It started from Mexico in which some stupid Mexican probably had sex with a pig and got it. It is hopefully the virus that would ultimately eliminate all stupid beaners in the world!
John: Hey, did u hear Juan died from the swine flu this morning?
Ashton: Yeah? Damn, finally! Hopefully Jose is next!
by sime341 May 4, 2009
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Term used to describe the phenomenon of cops arriving en masse, often to the consternation of non-cop people.
"Yeah, it was a bangin' party, but we caught the swine flu around 2:30. I was pissed.
by Lafayette, IN May 16, 2009
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