Basically, it's a disease you get from doing any of the following activities:

outdoor sports
blowing dandelions
unprotected sex
opening doors
protected sex
eating (especially Mexican food)
being Christian,
but more being Jewish,
status updates on Facebook,
adding definitions to Urban Dictionary,
wearing clothing,
being naked,
being healthy,
having AIDS,
having the common cold,
keeping secrets,
telling people stuff,
not smoking,
and last but not least, getting the H1N1 vaccine.

Oh yeah, it's terminal and untreatable.
"I have swine flu." "LOL PWNED!"
by bobbitteer October 27, 2009
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A fictional horrible disease that turns your head into a pig. It can be cured by grilling bacon.
Hey, what's that label say? "Swine Flu"?
by Mekano April 27, 2009
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A compleatly overated illness promoted by the media because they have nothing else to write about. according to the media, Swine flu will become a pandemic, and everyone will end up dying because there is no cure. Also refered to as "A-H1N1."
Random Kid: *cough cough*
Random Kid: ...
by ♥ sMiLeYbAbE101 ♥ May 4, 2009
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The Swine flu is the sick feeling you get when you wake up next to a fat girl, whore, skank, slut or other non-desirable form of monster.
When I woke up and saw her laying there I knew I had contracted a case of the swine flu. Known to cause instant regret and years of therapy. The swine flu gives you the same feeling you get after you eat at KFC. "Oh God, why did I just do that? I
feel like shit. I have to get the fuck outta here."

by RBN33 April 27, 2009
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The feeling you get when you open your eyes in the morning after a long night of drinking whiskey, and realizing that you had sex with the unattractive, usually obese woman snoring next to you.
OMG Bro!! I am sorry you have the swine flu, but we all appreciate you taking one for the team last night.
by H-Town JrMafia April 30, 2009
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The origin of the swine flu is the pandemic which killed a lot of people.

The swine flu insult is a codename for police. In police have a history of being identified as dirty pigs. The swine flu insult was invented so that cops would not know what people would be talking about. When calling the police officers pigs, the cops have the right to arrest you for hate crime, hence swine flu has replaced the pig terminology. The cops are unaware of the term.
Synonymns: rat, pig, snitch, police, cops, officers, rick Ross(rApper/correctional officer), jakes, snakes, etc
*police car passes by*
Guy-1: man it's the pi-
Guy 2: nah man, run it's the swine flu!
by Sham-iLL May 24, 2009
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The Swine Flu; also known as porker virus, is becoming an epidemic throughout North America. It is considered to curl your nose up and will make you snort like a pig when you laugh. The Swine Flu originated from Mexico because the pigs there ate radioactive shit. This is now spreading throughout the United States. Please grab the people closest to you and stay away from pork, and people that look like pigs.
Guy 1: Dude! Did you see Eric? He looks like a pig.

Guy 2: Stay away from him he has the Swine Flu.
by Crysis93 April 29, 2009
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