
The summarized recreation of popular pop-culture films using limited budgets and a camcorder. The process is called sweding. Upon completion the film has been Sweded.

Origins: In the Michel Gondry film BE KIND REWIND, the character Jerry accidentally erases the videotapes at Mos Def's rental store, and the pair remake all the movies themselves. These versions become popular with customers, who are told they take longer to arrive and cost more because they come from Sweden. Hence, the films are referred to as 'Sweded'.
Many versions of Star Wars Sweded can be found on the internet.
by Annastacia March 16, 2008
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Re-making something from scratch using whatever you can get your hands on.
In the most potentially funny film of 2008 ‘Be Kind, Rewind‘, Jack Black and Mos Def must re-record classic movies to replace broken VHS tapes. The process is described in the film as sweding, or “re-making something from scratch using whatever you can get your hands on.”
by Morten Folkvord February 15, 2008
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1. A person that is a citizen of Sweden, or is from there. (by bloodline at least.)

Swedish people are extremely tolerant, they are great drinking buddies and love to swim in the summer.

one of the best Aircraft are from Sweden, and we have great car companys such as Volvo and SAAB. (Volvo is owned by Ford.)

There are alot of hot women in Sweden, if you find a Blonde woman with blue eyes speaking in a Northern European accent, shes probably a Swede or from Norway.

In Sweden, Education is free aswell. thats why we have so many immigrants moving here. public schooling is free along with university, so if you want to get a university but dont have enough money to do so, just come to Sweden and we'll get you a degree! but you still have to do good in school though.
French tourist: AH merde! you crashed in moi bicyclette!

average Swede: Oh, I am sorry! I did not me to.

French tourist: Merde! I fucked your mother!

Average Swede: Oh, really? why, My mom has not have had much of a sex life lately. First I thought you where mad at me and now you come up with this wonderful message! thank you!

French tourist: ...
by Flådig Man February 22, 2021
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A person from the country of SWEDEN. A constitutional monarchy located on the Scandinavian peninsula, bordering Norway to the west and Finland to the east. 9 million inhabitants, most of them very good looking. The home of Volvo and Saab cars as well as Ericsson mobile phones and the IKEA furniture store. Some famous Swedes include the director Ingmar Bergman, actress Ingrid Bergman, hockey player Peter Forsberg and pop group ABBA.
"Look at that hot Swede!"
"Yes she is very attractive."
by Mimmi October 1, 2006
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An extremely cool, dope and chill person from Sweden; Europe.
You've seen that swede livin' in mah block?
by ikke meg hvertfall December 2, 2002
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To make a homebrew version of a famous movie. i.e. - "Be Kind, Rewind"
"Did you see that new swede of Star Wars on youtube?"
by jahmai February 22, 2008
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A swede is a citizen of Sweden. The plural is swedes. Not to be mistaken for people from Switzerland. The main difference is that swiss people eat a lot of chocolate and wear lederhosen all day. Sweden is located in Scandinavia, right next to Norway and Denmark.

Swedes listen to rock music and have sex all the time, often while drinking beer and talking trash about the norwegians. We also take pride in creating some of the best pornographic material in the world.

Swedes are also known for their fine automobile manufacturers - Volvo (owned by Ford) and SAAB. SAAB also manufactures one of the best fighter aircraft models to date - the SAAB JAS 39 Gripen.

Sweden, the natural habitat of the swedes, is in many ways identical to America. In fact, we're just a smaller version of America. Instead of George Willy Bush (I find his name so amusing) we have Göran Persson, also known as the advocate of Satan. Now that I think about it, every swedish political party leader is an advocate of Satan.

Instead of having african-american citizens, we imported middle-eastern people. The only difference is that arabs aren't anywhere near as cool as real blacks. Plus, they have to shave their eyebrows or it grows into a unibrow. The arabs in Sweden all drive BMWs. Don't ask me how they can all afford one.

How do swedes act socially, you ask? Well ... most swedes are kinda up-tight and would most likely be viewed upon as slightly homosexual by americans. This homosexual breed of swedes are known as fjortisar and can be both male and female. The females are more slutty than gay actually, which is great. For more information about fjortisar, click this link: fjortisar/fjortis.

What else can I tell you about this peculiar and somewhat odd people? We have a very sophisticated educational system, which is why you can't tell my writing apart from that of an american author. You're more likely to mistake the american author for an outlander.

Sweden is a very affordable and fun country, but all we get is german tourists taking pictures of everything from half-dead drunks to McDonald's restaurants.

Most swedes are very gifted at video-gaming. One such swede is HeatoN the CS-player, and of course myself - Danielx.

Swedes were once vikings. During our viking days, we raped nuns and plundered the riches of gay people from France. Sadly, I was not around back then (this was around 1500-2000 years ago) but that doesn't stop me from wearing a helmet and drinking beer like there's no tomorrow. Around 100-300 years ago a bunch of swedes went to America to dig gold. Unfortunately, there was no gold and they all went to settle down in Minnesota instead. So if you're from that region, you might just be the descendant of a gold-thirsty swede, which would explain the extremely large penis and buff physique you would have in that case.

So, to summarize things ... Swedes are awesome. Dolph Lundgren and Peter Stormare are from Sweden, you know. The only good example of a good swedish flick that does not contain a blonde chick screaming "Åh, ja! Knulla mig hårdare, Lasse!" I can think of is Hamilton. So you should really download that.

One last thing ... Not every swede has blonde hair and blue eyes. And not every female is named Helga or every male named Lars.
I don't really have an example. Google 'swede' and something should come up.
by Danielx August 11, 2006
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