by Twostepwhiterockniggawivvanitchytriggafinger October 3, 2003
One who feverishly avoids any form of work, often times can be found at the DMV during business hours, or surfing Ebay. Loves music groups similar but not limited to the Scorpions, Bonfire, and Montrose. Frequently renown for lying to employees by promising $100 and a day off in trade for working extra days. Incapable of working or even showing up on saturdays. Throws away others recycle and shoes whenever he deems necessary. Often looks up to and models life after a notorious Dutchman known only as Jansen.
Man that Swede is really hard to find that swede bastard must be at the DMV!
Man that swede owes me a hundred bucks!
Man that swede owes me a hundred bucks!
by Leif Nillson February 19, 2008
fuck me look at the swede on that sprog my god it`s a ugly little fucker init,
gob off to me again and you`ll get a slap round your fucking big swede
gob off to me again and you`ll get a slap round your fucking big swede
by mick nicholson August 6, 2007
What some people around the Atlanta, Georgia area refer to black people as because they figure it's not as offensive as calling the darkies a ni****. It's a way to talk about them without their knowing, because a swede is the completely opposite color of a whitey.
by JimmyWimmy January 17, 2007
A wog with a shitty riced up car like an Excel with a drift wing or a GX Imprezza with a WRX bonnet.
by drew christx May 5, 2005
Hey Swede, stop looking like a cop or we're gonna get our asses beat!
-stop crying .......fuckin'swede
-stop crying .......fuckin'swede
by Guy March 24, 2005
The man working in the back of the a perkins family restaraunt.... most likely dressed in full leather and chained to the wall....
by The Swede February 11, 2004