10 definitions by Flådig Man

The Swedish word for Naturorienterande ämnen, its basically science, biology, and physics all mixed into one lesson.

basically just a Swedish word to describe science class, but they short it to NO because Naturorienterande ämnen is a bit too long.
Hej Malte, vi have NO-lab i skolan idag.

Åh fan, Jag trodde att vi skulle åka hem tidigt
by Flådig Man March 2, 2021
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A shorter term for the name "Hamilton"
Person: "Hello ham."

Hamilton: "please stop calling me that, im not a sandwich."
by Flådig Man February 22, 2021
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The Swedish word for “good”.
“Yo Jacob, how are you today?”


“Bro what the fuck is wrong with you”

“Nah mate I just said “good” in Swedish”

“That’s not how you say good in Swedish you fuckwit

“How do you say it then, smartass?”

“It’s “gut””

“That’s German you dumbfuck, get your feckin’ languages right.”
by Flådig Man January 25, 2021
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A slang word that Bri'ish people use to describe potato chips.
George: Oi bruv im gonna get some Jolly wompers from the store ye?

John: right bruv you want spotted dick for dinner?

George: ye bruv sounds good
by Flådig Man February 18, 2021
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The word that elementary school students use as slang for the word “dick”, also being used as a swear word when something bad happens.
“Hey Jacob, wanna play football?”

Nah mate I’m gonna go to school soon”

“Already bye ya dingus
by Flådig Man January 25, 2021
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The expression used by girls on roblox when someone insults them and/or think a person is being stupid.
fruitgeris: “yo this music disc from minecraft is awesome, what’s the Id for it?”

Subaru712: “hold on a sec let me get it “

XxgamergirlxX: “.”
by Flådig Man January 25, 2021
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