Synonym for "Superior" and "a person from Sweden".
These people are always better than you.

btw you're gay lmao
Hey! Have you seen that swede guy?
Yea I know... He's so superior. :/

StrafinBox owns me and all!
by StrafinBox April 14, 2018
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Swedes are the most beautiful people on earth, they are very easy to fall for, and their personality and appearance are amazing. The Swedish stereotype is tall, blond hair and blue eyes, but not all swedes look like this.
You know Emma?
No, who is she?
The blond swede in art class
by fasiken November 19, 2018
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They have a boring ass reputation but actually they are great as f**k. They hate Norway and always makes jokes about how stupid they are. Pretty smart people,I mean look at IKEA, H&M and Pewdiepie. Also has pretty good looking hot girls. Often misstaken of being from Switzerland (oh hell nah).
Guy 1: Ew who are they? They're so grumpy and boring, must Swedes...
Guy 2: Are you kidding? They are from Norway!
Guy 1: Oh right... My misstake
by Frostisen October 14, 2017
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A person who has concerningly low IQ and only eats meatballs and mashed potatoes. These people will often do stupid things such as falling and scratching their butts.
"My grandma fell down the stairs and broke her hip yesterday." "Ha! Dumb Swede."
by May 2, 2022
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Similar to an Albino. Someone who comes from a long line of incest who is far weaker than the average person and gets absolutely run through.
Did you see The Swede get trucked in last nights game?
by dififhdp May 2, 2022
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The act of having a gay orgy in an IKEA, while putting surströmming in eachothers asses and eating it.
Hey, did you see all of those people doing the Dirty Swede inside the IKEA
by weednose. April 11, 2024
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Adding five drops of Tabasco Sauce to your Snus before putting it under your lip
"Dirty Swede got me spitting mucous membrane." - "Dude, you really need help.
by rusty_pete March 13, 2024
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