
You need to search far and wide to find a definition on Urban Dictionary that lacks stupidity
by Mr. Awesome II April 30, 2015
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A failure to see things as they really are, the failure to be open to new information. A human being that is unaware of their surroundings. The learned corruption of learning. Unfortunately for us, stupidity rules the world.
George W. Bush isn't stupid because of his inability to speak. Rather, George W. Bush is stupid because he refuses to learn about policies, history, & public speaking.

Sources: Stupidity Documentary - Albert Nerenberg (Director) Rina Barone (Head of Research)

Go on YouTube and watch the BBC Documentary: Stupidity

Open your third eye
by nicjam December 21, 2013
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The perpetual trademark of our species. The random and unpredictable state of mind that causes and governs wars, unwanted pregnancies, political actions, divorces, ripoffs, reality TV shows, copycat crimes, cults, self-injury, and lawsuits.
Since the stupid in our midst are breeding uncontrollably while the intelligent minority are dying out, one can easily predict that our stupidity will far outpace our technological progress within a few decades, and propel us back to the Stone Age or extinction with in a few centuries.
You can never go broke by underestimating the stupidity of the human race.
by sarcastic December 13, 2003
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N. A very common and largely ignored affliction. Approximately 97% of all people suffer from it. They can be split into two fairly equal halves: Democrats and Republicans.
"Stupidity rules this world by sheer force of numbers"
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The belief that you can judge something without actually experiencing it.
Dude, some guy who hasn't watched My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic told me that it's a show for little girls.
Bro, you think that's bad? Some Baptist told me the Book of Mormon isn't the word of God, and they've never even read it.

Dude and Bro have both been speaking with people infected with stupidity.
by mrmngrl June 10, 2016
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If It were a mortal, infectious disease, there wouldn't be such things as humans right now.
stupidity is only a state of mind. For your entire life, that is.
by MalcontentStardust August 3, 2010
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