Them girls over there are slurpy af. They're thirsting for attention.
by JSnow83 January 24, 2017
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When you suck on a pu**y super hard and it makes a slurp sound.
Girl: Can you give me a slurpy plz?
Guy: Why?
Girl: Cause I'm horny.
Guy: OK!!
by Pseudonym Kitty March 25, 2018
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The act of a male eating a woman's mucus plug while performing oral sex on a pregnant partner.
Tim enjoyed his vaginal slurpy after eating out his pregnant sister Bertha.
by maxi-pad. December 28, 2016
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When someone is giving a male fellatio whilst singing Hannah Montana songs.
Dude: Babe, now do the montana slurpy
Girl: Fine Babe. *insert noises of a mixture between slurping dick and Hannah Montana's "Best of Both Worlds".
by Professor Timóteo April 4, 2020
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When a man shits inside a woman's Vag and proceeds to have coitus with her and then goes down on her after to clean her out.
I gave some chick an Alabama Slurpie last night worse mistake of my life.
by SunnySwizZz June 11, 2022
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Mark loves steam slurpies. I think he uses an app to find them
by JAIL_BLAZE November 6, 2017
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The appearance of a guy or chick after going down on a girl during her menstrual period. Also known as clown face.
Example: "John ran out of juliet's room with a slurpy face!!!!"
by exploding cherry November 4, 2010
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