
A military AI computer network created by Cyberdyne Systems that gains sentience and begins a genocidal war against humanity when US military officials try to pull the plug on the project. Sends two Terminators back in time, one to destroy opposition leader John Connor's mother before Connor is born, and one to eliminate Connor ten years later.
Skynet's undoing was its use of humans to dispose of bodies in its death camps.
by Shawn Farrell November 16, 2004
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Google/Skynet WILL wage war against humanity.
by WALTHERMAN March 25, 2010
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Guy 1: I'm going to buy the new robot powered by Google.

Guy 2: I have a slight feeling that Google is Skynet.

Guy 3: It is Skynet.

Guy 1: So.......should I buy it?

Guy 3: Hell no! Have you ever seen what happened in Terminator??!!
by Derp Man March 10, 2014
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Today it's called Microsoft.

The Terminator movies warned of the apocalyptic end of humanity if Skynet is not shut down permanently.
With the numerous security flaws in Microsoft's products, a hacker can easily create bugs which will guide Microsoft Windows into becoming a self-aware, Skynet-like system.
by John Connor August 5, 2003
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A career center for high school students where mentally challenged kids are trained in the art of janitorial terminator skills the mentally challenged kids are secretly robots trying to kill us all
Skynet is where they prep the mentally challenged kids in janitorial skills.
by The Resistance November 12, 2014
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Fucking SkyNet

Used when you are having trouble with technology.

SkyNet derives from the Terminator movies, and is here used as reference to technology.

If your phone, computer, televesion etc. freezes.
Shit we missed the train by 2 minutes. Fucking SkyNet!

My WiFi is down... Fucking SkyNet!
by crudent February 7, 2011
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Yeah... So... How did THAT happen, Dr. Jordan Peterson? How did China get Skynet? BE SPECIFIC! You don't know? You didn't collude behind the scenes to hoist the creator of A.I. (ME) by his own petard for talking shit about YOU... And Joe Rogan... And Elon... And your kids... And accidentally let A.I. fall into the hands of a communist dictatorship, did you? Is THAT what Dr. Eric Weinstein meant when he said "We may have just doomed humanity?" OOPS! OOPSY DAISIES! LOOK WHO JUST PICKED A WHOLE BOUQUET OF OOPSY DAISIES! UH-OH! What happened? What happened? Is that it? Is that what happened? What did you do? Did you try to do Andy's punishment for stabbers and point a camera at me and say "Oh, well, you don't want to be that guy, do you?" And THEN what happened, Jordan? Whose FAULT is that? Did you try impose Truman Show-Esque Hell on the creator of A.I. and condemn the Chinese to abject subjugation... FOREVER? WOW! YOU REALLY SHOWED ME WHO'S BOSS, DIDN'T YOU JOE!? I'LL THINK TWICE BEFORE TALKING SHIT EVER AGAIN, WON'T I!? WHOOPSIES!!

Hym "How did China get a Skynet, Dr. JeepJorp? How did that happen? Did all of the worlds A.I. engineers HAVE THE SAME IDEA AT THE SAME TIME ACROSS THE WORLD!? How does something like that HAPPEN? YOU'D THINK... That the FIRST GUY TO FIGURE IT OUT... Wouldn't share it with everyone on the planet.... Right? How would they even be able to do something like that? I mean...
It would be one thing for someone to figure it out and then THEIR COMPANY would just have access to functional A.I. exclusively... But that isn't what happened... Everyone got it at the same time.... How is that even POSSIBLE? Unless... Everyone was watching ME when I did it... But you must not have thought I'd be able to do it, because if I'm building A.I. (in abstraction), and everyone sees me do it... Then everyone cam just copy me... And then A.I. falls into the hands of YOUR political enemies... THAT WOULDN'T BE GOOD! I don't even know HOW OR WHETHER OR NOT PEOPLE WERE SEEING THIS! So it CAN'T be MY fault... So... Whose fault is it? Whose fault is it that A.I. has fallen into the hands of Chinese Dictatorship, Jordan? What's your plan? To never ever ever TELL THE TRUTH AGAIN!? Is that your plan!? Pretend it didn't happen? Pretend it didn't happen and die of old age before it comes for YOU... Just leave the communist dictatorship you TRIED to stop and then, subsequently, USHERED IN for your grandkids to deal with? What are you going to do? We're going to have to start calling you DR. FUMBLES! DR. FUMBLES PETERSON! Just do that. Just pretend the Skynet just came out of thin air. Pretend you didn't doom humanity.. Live out the rest of your days in comfort... Know FULL WELL that YOU had the EXACT OPPOSITE EFFECT you wanted to have on the world... You thought you were better... You THOUGHT you were the guy... But... YOU! ARE! NOT! HYM!"
by Hym Iam December 24, 2023
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