by The Milk Man Cometh November 21, 2020
by Fatty Mcgee December 10, 2004
The act of taking ones hands and pushing up their boobs in a moderately sexual way in which the goal is to excite a man or multiple men. The most commonly used technique is when the hands of the "shelfer" makes a straight line or a "shelf" and lifts the breasts up, and then back down. The word "shelving" most commonly refers to women, however men can shelf their man boobs or moobs for comedic purposes.
by TheTheatricalFedora July 28, 2011
by merdogg January 16, 2010
by Lee John March 3, 2014
(Verb) Reference to the amount of time a person has been without any sexual relations. This state can be either self imposed, involuntary or some combination.
Nikki told himself, cause he talked to himself quite frequently, "Goddamn I've been on the shelf so long I get a dick-hard when the wind blows nowadays".
by Nikki Stixx September 12, 2020