
A unit of a man, very solid individual.
Oi gdem, Dave is built like a shelf.
by wettiebix September 10, 2020
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adjective, verb; being "not cool" or lame, putting an end to being "not cool" or lame
"...gamerboy_2020 is so shelf my guy; he's trash on COD AND fortnight."

"Shelf it man.. why did you tell Sky I like her?!"

"this year is shelved.. can't wait for 2021!"
by kalkal December 5, 2020
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Top Shelf

I bought my wife a jeep so later that night I bent her over the bed and told her it’s Time for top shelf
by Nasty Neighbors May 28, 2018
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Top Shelf

While doing a girl doggy style, to quickly and without warning switch to anal sex. Going from the bottom to the top shelf.

Note top shelfing jewish girls is frowned upon
Dave) So last night I was with Goldie Hahn and I totally top shelfed her.
Steve) Dude you can't top shelf jewish girls
Dave) No brah it's cool. According to Adam Sandler she's only half
by TopShelfHouseSluts May 7, 2009
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top shelf

Wen a brudda kills da leada of nodda rival gang, hes on da top shailf
Da*n look at dat, hes on da top shelf
by Jinsengsta July 1, 2004
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